Jumat, 28 Maret 2008
ˆღSїẼnღˆ B Profile
More About ˆღSїẼnღˆ
- Schools:
Sekolah Dasar Petra 10, Attended 1997 - 2003, Class of 2003
Petra 1 Junior High School, Attended 2003 - 2006, Class of 2006
Petra 1 Senior High School, Attended 2006 - Present, Class of 2009 - Schools (Other):
- Occupation:
sTuDeNt LaA..
- Affiliations:
- Hobbies and Interests:
sLeEpIn...ZzZ, HaNg OuT WiF My fReNZz, CaLLiN2, ChAtiNk2, ShOpInK2, PhOtO2, wAtChnG Tv oR DvD, PLaYiNg suM GaMeS, iNtErEst maKiNg sUmtHinG gOod n cUtE, n MaNy MoRe...
- Favorite Books:
- Favorite Movies:
I LiKe HoRoRMoViEs Xo xO mwAkXx...^^aNd DraMa, CoMedY, maNieH2 LaHhw
- Favorite Music:
- Favorite TV Shows:
- Zodiac Sign:
- About Me:
♥jEsSus ChRisT
♥CayAnX kUUUu terRciNtaa~
♥Moi faMiLiiE
♥Wo De HaO BeNg YoU
♥SiNg a Nice soNg
♥HaNg OuT
♥taKe a PiC
♥CuTe stUfF
♥eaT iCe CrEaMM
♥MaKe a Nu FriEndS
X aNNoYiNg.PersOn
X aRRoGaNt.pErSoN
X LiaR
X BaCksTabbeR
X bugs.. especially bee,lizard, rat, etc.. i hatee that thing!
* if u want to be my friend just add me up..
*and pliz don't send me messege! and forward messge!
* it will be much better if u send me comment.. so i can reply it~ (ofcorze if im not busy or lazy :p)
Diposting oleh Xtreme di 07.31
Label: ˆღSїẼnღˆ B | 2 komentar
Cintya Dewi profile
More About Cintya
* Schools (Other):
TK PEtRa 11, Sd pEtRa 11, SmP Petra, sMa PeTra 1, UkP (De Ka Ve......)
* College/University:
Uk Petra, Attended 2006 - Present, Class of 2010, Other, DKV
* Occupation:
* Hobbies and Interests:
Reading books, watching vcd, walking2, and many more
* Favorite Books:
hmmm, banyak bangetm ndak isa tak sebutin 1 - 1
* Favorite Movies:
Spiderman, harry potter, etc
* Favorite Music:
PoP, Mandarin, Barat, JpG, dll OK yang penting enak
* Favorite TV Shows:
nothing special
* Zodiac Sign:
* About Me:
AkU Juga Ga JeLAs... (@_@) hmmm,, ntar kalo ada testi, liat testi aja yaaa,, =)
* Who I Want to Meet:
everyone including you,,,
add me at Cin_DS.Sutjipto@hotmail.com,, msn ku juga ndek sana,,
Diposting oleh Xtreme di 07.16
Label: Cintya Dewi | 0 komentar
Minggu, 23 Maret 2008
Celvy Breeze Profile
More About celvy
- Schools (Other):
TK.khodijah, SDN 1 rogojampi, SMPN 1 rogojampi, SMAN 1 glgah banyuwangi, UNIV negeri malang
- Hobbies and Interests:
picnic, reading, shooping, ngenet, becinta, pokoknya iang bikin q seneng, and paling seneng party............... party, and party............
- Favorite Books:
komikz, magazine, plyaboy, gogirl, jelita, nyata, cosmopolitan, and pokoknya iang masalah style(ar tetep up to date) and masalah cinta teuz gag lupa masalah wanita contah: karier, cara becinta(wkwkwkw :@) pokoknya inag cewek bgd seneng lakuin
- Favorite Movies:
- Favorite Music:
- Favorite TV Shows:
gw seneng bgd nonton PILEM, jadi apapun jenis pilem we suka pokoknya iang isa bikin qt hppy ending, atwpun itu film sedih aq sa bener" ngerasuk di aq atw mank itu PILEM hantu pilem itu memang harus bener" nakutin
- Zodiac Sign:
- About Me:
Gw tuch
B: Baek
E: Enak
G: Gaul
O: Oke
so gw BEGO "polepel"
and gw tuch
1. narziez @bies
2. gila foto
3. suka dug2
4. keyen bo_
5. cute abies
nyang penting we
cew baek2 - Who I Want to Meet:
CELVY penen katemyuwh ma semua semua temen iang ada di indonesia,,,,,,,,,,,,,
cewek atwpun cowok
terbuka untuk sipa adjah....
hahahaha :@
- Schools (Other):
Diposting oleh Xtreme di 19.03
Label: Celvy Breeze | 4 komentar
Kamis, 20 Maret 2008
Upel crewz crewz Profile
- About Me:
well..lil bIt COnfUsIng Lho koQ isA naMane Upil's CrEW..hehe..WhateVer lar..SEng penting..UPIL'S CREW's AWESOME!!
GuRL's :
o1.CeLLa : KaWaii nE...CIlik2 imOet lhOoo..hauhau..wEz gETO mbUuanyol Pol2ann..hauhauha...SEXy GUrL..hauhaua.ayu SIsannn..tapi COnnECt'e sUwE nGGa aDa JaiMann MaLoW aPaLaGi kL Lg aMa FeLLy MaLaH BenGaK BenGoK KaYaa nTuTT.... .Gak NgaMukAANn..aLiAz SUaBar polll..Lek ngaMuk ngak MeDeNi beLASs..
o2.TUnyuK : dOhh..Arek SITOk iki uPel paLeng LuEmot..hauhaua...tapi buaeK lhOo..poLozz..hauhauha...taPi lUuuangSIng n fAsHiOnaBle pol2ann.. uDaH x-TenSioNaN JaDii TaMaaa CanTiKKK...
o3.FeLLy : PaLEng CeREWWeeeT..OPo maneh lek kuMbuL mbEK CeLLAa...Huaa.... kL nGoMonG cUePeTT PoLL KaYa kReTaa aPii... RaJiN BanTui CeLLa CaBuTT HuaHuaHua... DUnnO Dehh!!hauhaua...fReNdLIe lhOo...oo.
o4.FennY : CALMMMMM..n innocent..SmILe olwes..FrIeNdly too.. PaLeng seNeNg HEng OuT.KEREN lhOoo..baEK hati Polll..
o5.Jing2 : the mOsT fAsHONaBle GUrll...WES tingGi kayak TIang LEstreK..ayu..LangsIng Sisan..hauhau...DIeM polll....
BOyZ's :
o1.SInDHu : UpEL paleng FrENdLIe..ahuhaua..RambOt seNg kuniNg2 keREN..hauhau..badan TInggi..baEK hati laGee....ahuhauhaua...
o2.JEFfRY : KeRen lhO..rambuTe kyk Jay cHOu..hauhau.. FaSHionaBle..CInta TUHAN YeSUs maNeh...WOW!!
o3.BuDI : pinTer basket!!leK maEN basket...memPeSOna lhOoo...WEz GeTO tinggi lageee..
o4.GeRRY : Pinter Polll sOaL DeSign2 huhauhua...T_T...KeREN lhOoo...WeZ GeTO pintER nyaNyI Sisann..hehe..
o5.ANdREWw : BIOteK meenn..it means tt he's Rajin Polll..pinter..TOk cEr..WEz GeTO eAsy GOin buaNgeeT..ahuhau
o6.FeLIX : hauhua..mmph..PinteR nyaNyi lhOo..WEz GeTO nggak SOmbong SIsann..aLiAS FrENdLIeee
o7.ROmMy : paleng GeDE..GYgANtiCC..ahuhaua..tapi baEK lhOo...^o^
o8.HeRMaN: GanTenGG Lo... JiPLaKaNe KeN zHuuu... Qrenn Lo, CooL... cHaRmInG, TaPii SoMBonG PoLL!! nGoMonG'aE KyK aDa PaJaK HeHeHe... GuYoNN Loo Y... PEACEEE [KaTaNe FeLLy n CeLLa]
OkiEe..We jaZ sUch aS OrDInaRY people..hehex...De LAzT but nOt LeAsT
Diposting oleh Xtreme di 18.17
Label: Upel crewz crewz | 0 komentar